Research TEAMS
A Polish-Norwegian collaboration.
Our interdisciplinary project gathers experts in psychology, societal development, cultural change, evolution theory, economy, international affairs, geography, mathematics, and other fields, from the Polish Academy of Sciences, SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), and the University of Oslo (Norway).
To contact us, please write to
Agata Gąsiorowska (PhD)
Agata is an associate professor affiliated with the Center for Research in Economic Behavior at the Faculty of Psychology in Wroclaw of SWPS University ( She received a Ph.D. in management from the Wroclaw University of Technology in 2003, a Ph.D. in psychology from the University of Wroclaw in 2009, and a habilitation in psychology from SWPS University in 2014. She has undertaken research on the psychology of money and consumer behavior and is interested primarily in money attitudes, financial literacy, and market mentality.
Arek Wąsiel (PhD student)
Arek is a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. His interests cover social and cross-cultural psychology with a focus on perception of power and social hierarchy. He aims to expand our knowledge on why societies differ in thinking about respect and authority, and how this connects with their desires for an ideal society.
Ewa Palikot (PhD)
Ewa is a collaborator at the Macropsychology Lab. She accomplished her PhD in theoretical physics, but is now mainly interested in statistical analysis. Ewa wants to develop tools for social sciences based on her programming skills and mathematical background. She is passionate about polar regions.
Anna Kuźmińska (PhD)
Anna is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw. Her main research focus is on the social, behavioral, and cognitive consequences of the market mindset (e.g., how the market mindset affects interpersonal trust or impacts people’s decisions in the context of sharing economy). In the current project she explores the ways to increase individuals’ motivation to pursue social developmen goals.
Ewelina Purc (PhD)
Ewelina is a postdoctoral research fellow at the SWPS University and Assistant Professor at the Institute of Psychology, John Paull II Catholic University of Lublin. Her main research interests focus on work&organizational psychology, entrepreneurship and social psychology. In the GRIEG project she studies consequences of person-country congruence in societal development priorities.
June Yeung (PhD student)
June is a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. She graduated MPhil in Psychology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Her research goal is to examine emotions and wellbeing from a balanced, culturally sensitive perspective. Her previous and current topics include the functions of and beliefs about emotions, and emotions and wellbeing in cross-cultural contexts (find more at her research website). She is from Hong Kong, a city regarded as a hybrid of East and West.
Kamila Kaffka-Skierka (PhD Candidate) - former member
Kamila pursues a doctorate, extramural mode, at the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in cooperation with the Center for Research on Cognition and Behavior affiliated with the Faculty of Psychology in Sopot, Poland ( In the part of the GRIEG project, concerning The role of Regulatory Focus in shaping folk theories of societal development, she is responsible partially for mapping societal development with motivational concerns, and mostly for investigating the role of individual motivations in progressing societal development.
Her personal research interests: imposed physical isolation, morality, abusive supervision/abuse of power.
Karolina Nowak
Karolina is a research assistant in the Macropsychology Lab and a Master’s student in the Faculty of Applied Psychology at Jagiellonian University. She is mostly interested in positive psychology and psychotherapy. She is trying to know how to improve people’s quality of life on a personal and global level..
Kuba Kryś (PhD) - Principal Investigator of the Polish Academy of Sciences team
Kuba is the Principal Investigator of the project. He is the head of the Macropsychology Lab, and Associate Professor at the Institute of Psychology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His specializes in large cross-cultural studies that cover several dozen countries from all inhabited continents. His current era of scientific interest is to incorporate cultural sensitivity to research on societal development and wellbeing. Kuba has lived in Kyoto and worked at the Kyoto University (as JSPS Fellow). His sensei was Yukiko Uchida.
Maciej Górski
Maciej is a research assistant in the Macropsychology Lab and a Master's student in the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Warsaw. He is mostly interested in political and cross-cultural psychology, currently trying to identify temporal and contextual factors that shape wellbeing priorities accross cultures. He spends his free time in nature.
Mads Larsen (PhD, MFA)
Mads Larsen is a postdoctoral reserach fellow for the Norwegian team at the University of Oslo, Centre for Development and the Environment. He has a PhD and an MFA from the University of California, Los Angeles. Larsen has published two dozen articles in journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, AI & Society, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, and Comparative Literature His PhD dissertation is titled Evolution Toward Social Democracy in a Millennium of Nordic Fiction.
Marta Roczniewska (PhD) - Principal Investigator of the SWPS University team
Marta is a work and organizational psychologist with PhD in psychology, employed at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Poland and Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. During her PhD training, Marta collaborated with prof. E. Tory Higgins (Columbia University in the City of New York), investigating the consequences of regulatory fit for employee well-being. She teaches the psychology of work at the Swedish Program, Stockholm School of Economics.
Mateusz Olechowski (PhD student)
Mateusz Olechowski is a PhD student at the Institute of Psychology, Polish Academy of Sciences. He was a researcher at the University of Warsaw and visiting fellow at University of Padova and University of Delaware. Mateusz has co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters on intergroup relations. He is currently working on the relationship between folk theories of social change and different facets of wellbeing in a cross-cultural paradigm. Mateusz is an avid supporter of open science and popularization of science. He teaches psychology at an International Baccalaureate high school in Warsaw.
Nina Witoszek (PhD) - Principal Investigator of the Oslo University team
Nina Witoszek is a research professor at the University of Oslo's Center for Development and the Environment, and Director of the Arne Naess Programme on Global Justice and the Environment. For CV, see https:/
Kaja Głomb (PhD student)
Ph.D. student in social sciences and faculty member at the Institute of Applied Psychology at Jagiellonian University in Krakow. Her main research focus is the psychology of eyewitness testimony, and she investigates individual differences, with an emphasis on emotionality, that impact reports of criminal events. Moreover, she conducts research on the perception of intimate partner violence and factors contributing to the so-called "ideal victim."
Paweł Mordasiewicz (PhD)
Paweł is an assistant professor affiliated with the Department of Basic Psychology
at the Faculty of Psychology in Sopot of SWPS University. Paweł is interested in cognitive psychology and the psychology of emotions and motivation. In the GRIEG project he studies the relationship between language and motivation in the context of promotion and prevention regulatory focus.